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nice graphics!

Muito legal!! porem difícil hehe.

really love the idea and the art style! only complaints are that sometimes it can get a bit washed out on the lighter textures, and at times I have a hard time telling what is a platform and what isn't. I would also love to see some sort of tally on the edges showing what modifiers are active and how many stacks of each are present. Would love to see more!

(1 edit) (+1)

probably the best game I've played so far! really choatic and fun

also I like that the game can just become free or impossible depending on your luck

What a fun concept! Also really like the art style! :)

This was a very fun game. I really like the addition of the upgrades and downgrades. Great work!

is 55 a good score also very fun game


Love the visual approach!


There's several places where I couldn't tell if there was ground or a gap due to the colors. Also, I couldn't tell well the die is on the ground during normal movement, which made jumping really awkward. I'm not sure how the player is supposed handle the case where the die is stuck on the even side given the lack of control over how the die rolls.


This game has a phenomenally good style with it's simple palette and low-resolution graphics, as well as a very charming idea. Though it has it's flaws, I believe it was very well executed.

I award a cherry to you! 🍒


That's a really creative game !
But i felt like i had a little latency at some moments. Great gameplay tho !


Love the concept, art, and music, but sadly, it is buggy, and not that enjoyable.:( Maybe work on this again.


I really like the music and the visuals. However when I press "Rollin' out", the game freezes

Deleted 7 days ago

Fun game

I did have 1 run where the die glitched out, but that's pretty much bound to happen with any physics-based jam game

I love the style of the game, and the Rollin' in Rollin' out thing is really clever!

Woah! Art style is legit. Really trippy. I found that I could stick to walls, is that intentional?

The visual style is greaaaaat!


The visual style is quite striking, nicely done

(1 edit)

This art style is amazing

Really good visual representation. Fun to try and stack upgrades as you go!

Love the art

definitely cool art. kind of wish the upgrades were clear to actually influence rolling/strategy or something.

cool 3d art

Cool art. Gameplay is too luck based, i found my self at time getting debuff after debuff

I like the approach you took and also the music. Love the music.

I really enjoyed the art style. It was also fun jumping high, hitting a wall and just planting yourself there!

how individual, creative & best of all fun & interesting gameplay.

Very good game and it's very interesting how your own character's rotation affects the gameplay.

Nice visual


This was a ton of fun and the art style is really unique. My one critique is that the timer bar at the top is not very evident, and it took a long time for me to notice.

nice game and graphics but i wonder how u made the graphics (btw pls play my roll the dice game gmtk 2922)

link :RollTHeDice by Hor Yang Kai (

(1 edit)

That's soooooooo cool

Awesome work! I really like the art direction of the game and it has fun gameplay. I have trouble distinguishing the environment in some of the parts with a lot of white, but everything else is fantastic!

Thank you so much!!

Fun and unique game with really appealing visuals.  On my windows 10 machine in google chrome I am unable to enter full screen which would be a nice simple thing to add if you work on the game any more before the deadline.

Thank you! Also yes, I tried a little with fullscreen but it would never actually go full screen, I might be able to figure it out in time though! (also the windows version is in fullscreen)